Machines - Men - Money - Motor Freight

Machines - Men - Money - Motor Freight
Make Money With Trucks and Truck Drivers

Friday, August 12, 2016

The New Century of Motor Freight Transportation - Men - Machines - Money and Methods - The Real Managers

New Century Transportation NCT Harry Muhlschlegel New Jersey Jevic Transportation Teamsters Local 107 Harry was the founder and owner of JEVIC Transportation which held to the philosophy that men-machines-money and methods properly utilized could improve truck driver working conditions, improve the standard services offered to shippers and consignees and create a revolution within the motor freight industry, create a profit, and he was right.

NCT New Century Transportation, a New Jersey based motor freight trucking company encountered too many obstacles to survive in the Obama Socialist economy.

The Chairman of New Century Transportation Harry Muhlschlegel should write his Autobiography as one of the most successful motor freight trucking capitalist in the United States.

Still influenced by the free enterprise system Harry Muhlschlegel is not only optimistic about change he's  almost romantic about operating a good business with great people.

Harry was the founder and owner of JEVIC Transportation which held to the philosophy that men-machines-money and methods properly utilized could improve truck driver working conditions, improve the standard services offered to shippers and consignees and create a revolution within the motor freight industry, create a profit,  and he was right.

Harry, renowned and determined launched his JEVIC transportation and brought all his men and women together, bought the best machines and developed his own LTL TL OTR industrial trucking religion.

His pigheadedness became a philosophy and his words became the policy and his belief in people and the brotherhood he created inside JEVIC created a pacesetter carrier while other name branded carriers bungled about everything and committed business suicide.

He was smart enough to combine the human knowledge driving down the road that other trucking companies just called truck drivers.  He would spend millions of dollars on computers but refused to learn about Microsoft email.  His own necessity to work taught other men the old-fashioned half-mad ethic of working for a living.

As Harry Muhlschlegel was teaching the reality of trucking at JEVIC Transportation the non-working aristocrats of the big brands struggled to make payroll, tried to keep their old trucks running, had to deal with unions and their lazy members working the docks, fixing the trucks, delivering the loads a day late.

The old timers at JEVIC shared the greatest wealth and that was in being able to learn directly from Harry.  Harry had a talent to reorganize your ideas and thoughts into positive and productive actions.  Each man or woman was rewarded in proportion to each person's contribution and not by the familiar political games that stressed most companies.

So when you get a chance, say Hello to Harry.

It's a new beginning.

2016 ..